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April 1 2013
For decades, high concentrate, low forage diets were a staple on dairy farms. As economics have shifted though, there has been a push to produce higher quality forage and maximize its inclusion in the...
March 27 2013
Members, delegates, directors and employees of the Associated Milk Producers Cooperative met in Bloomington, Minn., for its annual meeting on March 25 and 26
March 25 2013
After presenting various terms to describe those that work with dairy cattle everyday, we have the results of our survey, mentioned in our blog a few weeks ago. In total, there were 97 respondents. Men...
March 21 2013
As the online media manger, much of my day is spent online. As a publication, we share new stories with those interested in dairy cattle. However, as an individual, you need to be careful of what you share...
Feb. 5 2013
"On the 8th day," Paul Harvey begins, "God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.'" With that, my Super Bowl party fell silent. Did yours?
Jan. 16 2013
"This is a real opportunity for a breakthrough this year," said Jerry Kozak, CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF)
Jan. 8 2013
Americans spend over 40 percent of their food dollars on meals prepared outside the home. Is that because they eat out nearly half the time? Not necessarily. The cost of eating out is expensive
Jan. 7 2013
All the U.S. Department of Justice's work to ensure market competition for consumers might have went down the drain this past weekend as Golden Guernsey located in Waukesha, Wis., unexpectedly shut its...
Nov. 27 2012
Youth competition stimulates learning. A concept brought to 4-H dairy youth by Maryland extension agent, John Morris, in 1980 has turned into a widely accepted youth activity. Dairy Bowl began in the 4-H...
Nov. 21 2012
The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance is looking for the new face of farming and ranching. Two dairy producers are amongst the finalists. Deciding who agriculture's spokespersons should be is not a debate....
Nov. 15 2012
Seven steps that allow you to establish an effective mastitis control program. Over time, somatic cell count (SCC) levels on dairies in the U.S. have gradually dropped. With time though, it is likely that...
Nov. 2 2012
here's a cruel irony to what has been one of the most destructive financial years that dairying has ever seen: The Class III milk price average in 2012 is likely to be the third highest in history
Oct. 25 2012
Throughout the Dairy Cattle Welfare Symposium held in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, there was an overarching theme that wrapped through the majority of presentations
Oct. 15 2012
While the U.S. is a world superpower in being a consumer, we don't rule the oil market. The Wall Street Journal said this morning that government numbers show a 12 percent surge in U.S. crude oil production
Oct. 9 2012
"Rethinking your feeding options for 2013" was the topic of discussion on yesterday's (October) Hoard's Dairyman webinar presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois. Drought-stressed feed, low yields...
Oct. 1 2012
Youth visited four dairy industry landmarks. Associate Editor Lucas Sjostrom talks to conference attendees Today over 180 youth participating in the 58th National Dairy Conference who have a passion for...
Sept. 12 2012
If you're not, you may want to look into it. The National F.A.R.M. program (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) is operating as a partnership of the National Milk Producers Federation
Aug. 6 2012
Youth at the Wisconsin State Fair share messages with fairgoers. Showing livestock at the fair can be a hectic time filled with preparing for shows and interviews, as well as keeping up with chores at...
July 25 2012
Recently, Sonny Ramaswamy was appointed to serve as director of the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
July 19 2012
Nichelle Stewert, a Georgia farmer who volunteers with her local Farm Bureau, gave one of our favorite sessions at this year's National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference